By Dr. Danielle DeBlock, ND In light of April being National Stress Awareness Month, we are presenting a 4-part series on the topic. We will begin by discussing how stress affects our body, what a healthy stress response looks like, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of the infamous state of ‘burn[...]
By Raluca Tutulan, Registered Homeopath Over the past few weeks we talked about being mindful of protein and essential fatty acid intake. Today we are going to talk about vitamin B-12 , which is a vitamin to keep in mind when switching to a plant-based diet, since it is found mostly from animal-derived products. Vitamin B-12 is[...]
By Raluca Tutulan, Registered Homeopath In the last few posts on transitioning to a vegetarian diet we talked about how to get enough protein and where to get your essential fatty acids . Today we are going to talk about a few tips for success in eating a balanced vegetarian diet. Plan your[...]
By Marianna Duba Registered Nutritionist, Certified Gaps Practitioner Spring is finally here! We can feel the warmth of the sunshine, the snow rapidly melts away, the days are longer and yet, many of us cannot enjoy these early signs of spring. The short and cold winter days took their toll on our general well being.[...]
What are Essential Fatty Acids? Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that our body needs but cannot synthesize on its own. These include linolenic acid (LA) an omega-6 fatty acid, α- linolenic (ALA) which is an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the membrane structure of our cells, provide a source[...]
By Raluca Tutulan, Registered Homeopath What is protein? Proteins are the building blocks of our cells. They are complex molecules that have multiple roles and functions in our body. Just like proteins are the building blocks of our cells, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. There are a total of 20 amino[...]
by Raluca Tutulan, Registered Homeopath So you’re thinking of becoming vegetarian… You have made the decision to eat less meat. Now what? What do you eat instead? How do you make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet? Where do you get your essential fatty acids? What will you do in[...]
As the holiday season approaches, shopping malls have already extended their hours and the expected flood of gift buying is in full swing. While the practice of giving and receiving gifts can hold the obvious merit of thoughtfulness and generosity, there are also negative implications which deserve attention. It has become well documented that consumerism[...]
Fall is here, so we thought we would equip you with our favourite Naturopathic tips for surviving the cold weather ahead! Naturopathic Cold and Flu Kit Our Favourite Supplements and Botanicals 1) Vitamin D is key for proper immune system function! The best is getting a lab test done to see where your levels are at and[...]
By Jeanette Turnbull, R.Ac. As we move into fall we transition from the vibrant, yang energy of summer into the quiet, yin energy of winter. Autumn is the season of harvest, reaping and storing what we have grown in the summer to sustain us during the cold winter ahead. Taking natures lead, now is the[...]