Category: Mental Health

High blood pressure? Manage it Naturally with Naturopathic Medicine!

High blood pressure (hypertension) is often labeled “the silent killer” because many individuals show no symptoms until significant cardiovascular damage has occurred. Even at the early stages—prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension blood pressure is already elevated enough to raise future health risks. Along with hypertension, there are other factors that can influence cardiovascular disease risk, including […]

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National Self-Care Day

Saturday, July 24th, 2021 is National Self-Care Day! If you are like many others, we are so ready and deserving of this dedicated day! The past 17 months have presented an array of changes, challenges, and losses. Our social, physical, mental/emotional and spiritual wellbeing has likely been impacted in one way or another. Our brain, […]

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Mental Health Awareness Month

As a mental health clinician, mental health awareness month is near and dear to my heart and yet when thinking about writing a blog post on this topic my mind has gone over so many different possibilities. How possibly can one blog post sum up all of the things I want to say and share […]

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