We had a “real” winter this year, really cold, snowy and dark… and with this “real” winter came lots of colds and flus. It seems like these colds and flus are frequent visitors, and people seem to be having a hard time getting rid of them once and for all. There could be a number […]
by Dr. Deanna Walker, ND No matter what age you are, your hormones are affecting your quality of life. Why you might ask? Well your hormone balance influences how you look, how you feel and how you think. It is important to determine if your hormones are affecting you. The best way to start […]
WHO IT’S FOR The Holistic Stress Solution is for women who: Have always been slightly anxious or stressed, but it’s okay because it’s a part of your ambitious nature and drive. You feel it’s tied to your success – whether at work or at home? You’ve noticed that it’s only been getting worse over the […]
It’s a term we use often and generously, but what does ‘stress’ really mean? A stressor is any change (internally or externally) that challenges your system. Stress is the experience of or reaction to that change. What is Stress? Our bodies and nervous systems were designed to respond to short-term stressors like coming to a […]
Sage is very excited to announce that enrolment is now open for a new community endeavour that is here to totally revolutionize your relationship with and response to stress. We’ve teamed up with Dr. Heather Robinson, ND and her signature program that helps you to methodically tackle the absolute foundations of health to truly change […]
Saturday, July 24th, 2021 is National Self-Care Day! If you are like many others, we are so ready and deserving of this dedicated day! The past 17 months have presented an array of changes, challenges, and losses. Our social, physical, mental/emotional and spiritual wellbeing has likely been impacted in one way or another. Our brain, […]
by Jessica del Rosso, Trauma Therapist, MSW, RSW Alongsidetrauma.ca Despite many of us knowing that a second lockdown was coming to Ontario, the emotional toll of walking down empty streets, watching local businesses close and missing those closest to us, is significant. It would be unrealistic and invalidating to believe that the physical and communal risks of Covid-19, […]
By Jessica del Rosso, MSW, RSW Have you ever felt that moment where your mind is telling you one thing, and your body is telling you another? A situation where your mind may be telling you that you are completely safe, but your body is reacting as if it is in survival […]
Written by Dr. Heather Robinson, ND Fall is a notoriously tough season for the cold and flu. Kids are back to school, the more lenient summer lifestyle is catching up with our bodies and from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, our bodies can have difficulty adjusting to the change of seasons. As the cooler […]
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it’s the perfect time to talk about libido! It can be a taboo subject, particularly for women, but we are here to shed some light on simple ways to boost libido with food. Libido, in laymen’s terms, is sex drive. It’s completely normal for women to have fluctuations in […]