A gentle approach to massage therapy using the body’s innate intelligence to help let go of tension, stress, and physical discomfort. With a focus on encouraging healthy circulation, motion, and balance the common symptoms that benefit from these treatments are:
- Rib pain(sharp pain between shoulders made worse by taking deep breaths)
- Surgery Recovery (Circulation, Scar Tissue, Muscle Tone)
- Concussion symptom management/ recovery (mental and body fatigue, headache symptoms)
- Hand and Limb function (reactive cramping and compressions from years of mechanic work/ heavy lifting including carpal tunnel syndrome, pinched neck nerve, frozen shoulder, and hand numbness)
- Foot and Limb function(foot/ankle injury recovery, shin splints, low back/hip pain, leg tightness, poor circulation, knee recovery, feet soreness)
- Hip Injuries(spasms, altered hip function, chronic discomfort, low back pain)
- Back Pain(office work upper back and neck discomfort, shoulder blade and mid back pain, lower back tension, stiffness, spasm and pain)
Unlike most massages, this approach is performed over clothing using an intentional process of specific techniques that works with the nervous system, fascial trains, and joint structure in order to help bring you back into the experience of your body. For patients, this means that undressing is not necessary and that no oils or lotions would be used during your appointment.
Common Types of Pain I work with:
- Stuckness
- Tightness
- Tiredness
- Aching
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Sharp shooting pain
- Stiffness
- Rigidity
- Spasms
Services are offered with no oil modalities directly over clothes and range between 60 minutes to 90 minutes. All scheduled appointment times included time dedicated for history intake, assessment, hands-on treatment, and consultation for ongoing care and treatment planning.